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New Moon in Gemini

new moon Jun 04, 2024

As we move into Gemini season this energy prepares the collective for the end of spring and the beginning of summer, a new cosmic era will begin. You’ll be happy to read that the wheel of fortune will start to spin in a different direction now that Jupiter has officially entered Gemini as of May 25. Luck will be on your side with Jupiter in Gemini representing an overwhelming number of possibilities for you. Make sure you take some time out through as you could feel overstimulated at times.

New moons represent a time for renewal and regeneration, so this is the perfect opportunity to set intentions for the new period. Capitalize on the new moon magic by gathering your thoughts before manifesting your lunar wishes and aspirations.  Immense feelings of change will come with this new moon. But we must mention the tense relationship with Saturn in Pisces at this time too…You may feel unsure of your desires, like if your wishes aren’t realistic and doubt if something can actually happen.

Although this energy could feel initially pessimistic, it will encourage you to be responsible for what you want. If you want to achieve something, then you have to take charge. Remember that you have the power and authority to make anything you want happen. Regardless of what happens, you can count on destiny to play out as it should since the new moon will work with the North Node of Destiny and South Node of Karma. Buckle up, its going to be an exciting ride over the next few weeks!

Journal Prompts:

- What is your vision for the future in terms of your personal & the collective's growth? In what ways can they overlap?

- Moving into this lunar cycle, do you have any new or existing intentions?

-What 3 steps could I take this week to move me closer to living my dream life?

- What is stopping me from taking any (or all) of these steps?

- One of the things holding me back from stepping into a new future is…

I love to sit with my ceremonial cacao as I do these journaling exercises. It’s an amazing plant medicine that our ancestors also worked with and has become part of my daily life as well as my intuitive coaching sessions

Happy New Moon Blessings