Welcome to the transformative realm of Spiritual Wellness, where the journey to self-discovery and healing unfolds under the gentle guidance of entrepreneur and spiritual mentor, Christine Higgins


About Christine:

Christine is a dynamic individual whose passion for holistic well-being is matched by her impressive entrepreneurial achievements. She first made her mark as a successful businesswoman in the beauty industry, building and selling a flourishing makeup business. However, her personal quest for deeper balance and meaning led her to explore the spiritual realm, where she discovered her true calling as an Intuitive Energy Healer.

Christine has undergone extensive training in Dr. Usui Reiki, becoming a Master Teacher who initiated over 100 students in this powerful healing practice. Additionally, she is a certified Shamanic Practitioner and Kundalini Activation Facilitator. Combining her entrepreneurial spirit with her spiritual depth, Christine is committed to guiding others on their own journeys toward balance, wellness, and spiritual growth.

As an award-winning facilitator of large sacred spaces, Christine has created transformative environments for spiritual and healing events. Recently, she has been guided to design her own intuitive energy courses, aligning with the energies of the New World. These courses reflect her evolving understanding of energy healing and her dedication to supporting others through this important global transition.

Our courses are designed to cater for those who want to use Intuitive Energy Healing techniques on a personal or professional level.

Energy healing is the pure essence of love, flowing directly from your heart chakra. Our Intuitive Energy Healing courses are uniquely crafted to help you begin or deepen your spiritual journey. Guided by her intuition, Christine offers this service as a pathway to your heart, helping you reawaken the healer within. We are all natural healers, but sometimes we just need to remember the immense Universal healing power of love that already resides within us. This course is your invitation to reconnect with that inner strength and wisdom.

All certificates are granted in accordance with the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine's guidelines.


"Unlock Your Spiritual Potential:

Five New Accredited & Internationally recognized Courses Now Available!"

The Pathway to Mastery!

Intuitive Energy Healing Level 1
Intuitive Energy Healing Level 2
Intuitive Energy Healing Level 3
We could dedicate our entire lives to studying, learning, and practicing different healing modalities, as it's a vast subject with immense benefits. To honor that, Spiritual Wellness Academy offers courses broken down into various levels. You’re free to pursue as many levels as you wish—or none at all!
Consider this your personal journey, one that you can follow at your own pace and in your own way.
Kundalini Activator Facilitator Course
Sacred Space Facilitator Training Course

For any of our Reik

Unlock Your Inner Healer with the Intuitive Energy Healing Level 1 Course

"A comprehensive one-day course with the option to join our online support community for lifetime access."

2024 Dates:

29th September

Location: Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel, Killiney, Co.Dublin

Next Date: 3rd November

Location: Mutton Lane Yoga Studio, Tilbradden, Dublin 16

Are you ready to tap into the power of your intuition and embrace your natural healing abilities? 💫

In this accredited and internationally recognized course, you will:

✨ Learn to connect with your body’s energy systems
✨ Understand and work with chakras, auras, and energetic fields
✨ Identify and clear energy blockages and imbalances
✨ Develop your intuitive abilities to facilitate healing for yourself and others
✨ Cultivate mindfulness and inner peace to improve your overall well-being

Whether you're a beginner or looking to deepen your spiritual practice, this course will provide you with the tools and knowledge to begin your journey as an energy healer.

No previous experience in energy healing is needed.

If you are new to learning energy healing you must start at level 1. However if you have already completed level 1, 2 or 3 under the Tera Mai Reiki or Dr. Usui Reiki lineage. You may start at level 2.

We recommend leaving a minimum of 4-6 weeks for the integration period to settle before moving on to Level 2.

Intuitive Energy Healing Level 1

Special Intro Offer €111

(Full Price €222) Offer ends 13th September

This course is for:

Beginners who are curious about energy work and want to explore the basics of intuitive healing.

Spiritual seekers looking to deepen their understanding of how energy flows and impacts their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Empaths and highly sensitive people who feel deeply connected to the energies around them and want to learn how to manage and balance these energies.

Holistic health practitioners who want to add energy healing techniques to their existing practices.

Anyone seeking personal healing and a deeper connection to their intuitive gifts, with a desire to clear energetic blocks and bring harmony into their life.

This course is designed to be accessible for all, whether you're starting from scratch or expanding your spiritual toolkit. It’s all about empowering you to step into your own healing potential!

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Deepen Your Healing Abilities with the Advanced Intuitive Energy Healing Level 2 Course

"A comprehensive two-day course with the option to join our online support community for lifetime access."

2024 Dates: 

Saturday, 16th & Sunday 17th November 2024

Unlock the next level of your spiritual and healing potential with our Intuitive Energy Healing Level 2 Course. This advanced program is designed for practitioners looking to elevate their understanding of the energetic system and enhance their ability to facilitate profound healing.

In this accredited and internationally recognized course, you will learn:

In-depth exploration of the seven subtle bodies of energy

Advanced techniques for identifying and clearing energetic blockages

The energetic origins of disease and methods to address them

Connection with spiritual guides to strengthen your intuitive abilities

Understanding and applying the 12 Universal Spiritual Laws to life and practice

How to start your own intuitive energy healing business

Why Enroll? This course will help you expand your spiritual connection, refine your healing techniques, and take your energy healing practice to new heights. You’ll gain practical tools, knowledge, and the confidence to start your own energy healing business or further enhance your existing practice.

Join a Community of Healers! By enrolling, you become part of a supportive community dedicated to spiritual growth, healing, and transformation. Learn from expert instructors and share your journey with like-minded individuals.

Ready to Expand Your Healing Powers?

Take the leap and enroll today to deepen your connection with the energetic world and transform your healing abilities!

Limited spots available—reserve your place now!

Upon completion of our Intuitive Energy Healing Level 2, you will have the necessary discipline and knowledge to operate as a fully certified energy healer practitioner publicly if you so wish.

All certificates are in accordance with the IPHMs guidelines.

Payment options: Pay in full, pay deposit or payment plans available.  

If you would prefer a payment plan, please email [email protected] 

Want to Continue on Your Intuitive Energy Healing Journey? Before Signing up to Level 3, here’s what you need to know.

It is recommended to sign up to Level 3 you must have completed our Intuitive Energy Healing Level 2 course. 

We recommend leaving a minimum of 4-6 months for integration period to settle before moving onto Level 3. 

Intuitive Energy Healing Level 2


Discounts available when you enroll in more than one course.

This advanced course is tailored for individuals who are ready to deepen their healing abilities and spiritual connection. Specifically, the course is ideal for:

Those already practicing Reiki, chakra healing, or other forms of energy work who want to expand their knowledge of the energetic system.

Healers seeking advanced techniques to work with the seven subtle bodies, clear deeper energy blockages, and understand the energetic origins of diseases.

Individuals on a spiritual path looking to deepen their connection to the spiritual realm and enhance their intuitive abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.

Those interested in learning about and applying the 12 Universal Spiritual Laws to create a more fulfilling life aligned with spiritual principles.

Individuals interested in starting their own energy healing practice who need guidance on ethical considerations, marketing strategies, and how to establish their business.

Practitioners looking to grow and enhance their current energy healing services with advanced techniques and knowledge.

Lightworkers aiming to expand their spiritual capabilities by opening their lightbody to the 2nd Ray of Love-Wisdom, increasing their ability to help others on their healing journeys.

Spiritual teachers who want to integrate deeper energy healing concepts into their teachings and help others unlock their potential.

Anyone who has completed basic energy healing courses and is seeking to move beyond foundational knowledge into more advanced spiritual practices.

Those committed to ongoing personal and professional development in the field of intuitive energy healing.

This course is designed for individuals who are passionate about personal growth, helping others heal, and exploring the deeper dimensions of energy work and spiritual connection.

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Unlock Your Full Potential: Become a Master Intuitive Energy Teacher

Level 3

"A comprehensive two-day course with the option to join our online support community for lifetime access."

2024 Dates: 


Are you ready to elevate your spiritual practice and step into the role of a master healer? Our Intuitive Energy Teacher Training Level 3 course is the ultimate training for experienced practitioners who are ready to teach intuitive energy healing and guide others on their spiritual journeys.

This advanced course is designed for experienced practitioners who aspire to teach intuitive energy healing. You will gain an in-depth understanding of teaching techniques, initiations, the spiritual awakening process, mastering your own healing, holding group ceremonies, and designing your own courses. By the end of this course, you will be equipped to guide others through their spiritual journeys and intuitive energy healing practices.

In this accredited and internationally recognized course, you will learn:

Teaching Training & Tips

✨Learn and Practice All Stages of Initiations or Activations to Intuitive Energy Healing

✨The Spiritual Awakening Process

✨Mastering Your Own Healing Process

✨Teaching Techniques

✨Designing Your Own Teaching Courses

Take the next step in your spiritual awakening and become a leader in the world of intuitive energy healing today!

In Level Three, you will learn the techniques necessary to teach and activate others to intuitive energy healing.

This course offers the opportunity to become an Intuitive Energy Master/Teacher. While teaching is optional, the Master training is immensely beneficial for enhancing your healing abilities. The additional energy, techniques, and knowledge will elevate your practice. The ability to teach intuitive energy healing is an added advantage.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of Mastership is the chance to pass on this wisdom to others. Imagine the profound experience of guiding your students as they receive intuitive energy during their activation.  This course focuses on supporting your continued growth and development, while also providing the qualification to teach intuitive energy healing, should you choose to do so.

Payment options: Pay in full, pay deposit or payment plans available. 

If you would prefer a payment plan, please email [email protected] 

Pre-Requisite is to be certified in Intuitive Energy Healing level 2.

Intuitive Energy Healing Level 3


Discounts available when you enroll in more than one course.

This course is for:

✨Experienced Practitioners: Individuals who have already developed a deep understanding of intuitive energy healing and are looking to expand their practice to a teaching level.

✨Aspiring Teachers: Practitioners who feel called to share their knowledge and guide others in their spiritual journeys through teaching and mentorship.

✨Healers Seeking Mastery: Those who want to master their own healing process, spiritual awakening, and energy work to teach others with confidence.

✨Spiritual Leaders: Individuals looking to lead group ceremonies, initiations, and activations, helping others awaken to their intuitive energy.

✨Course Creators: Practitioners who are ready to design and develop their own courses and programs in the realm of intuitive energy healing.


Awaken the Power Within: Kundalini Activation Facilitator Course


"A comprehensive three-day course with the option to join our online support community for lifetime access."

2024 Dates: 


This advanced course is designed for those ready to take their spiritual journey to the next level by activating their light body. In this transformative experience, you’ll dive deep into the powerful process of Kundalini activation and gain a thorough understanding of its science and energetic impact.

Throughout the course, you’ll explore key topics such as the importance of integration, navigating the challenges of the dark night of the soul, and how to safely guide others through this process. You'll also learn how to hold sacred group ceremonies, creating a space of healing and transformation for yourself and others.

By the end of this course, you'll have mastered the advanced concepts and practical tools necessary to support both your personal spiritual awakening and light body activation, as well as facilitate the experience for others.

In this accredited and internationally recognized course, you will:

Understand the Kundalini Activation Process

Explore the Science Behind Kundalini Activation

✨Be Aware of Contraindications: When to Approach with Caution

✨Learn the Essential Role of Integration

✨Know how to Navigate the Dark Night of the Soul with Clients. 

Facilitate Sacred Group Ceremonies

Prepare to deepen your spiritual awakening and unlock the full potential of your light body.

Payment options: Pay in full, pay deposit or payment plans available. 

If you would prefer a payment plan, please email [email protected] 

Pre-Requisite is level one and level 2. Level 1 can be taken with any teacher however Intuitive Energy Healing Level 2 Course must have been completed under the guidance of Spiritual Wellness Christine. 


Kundalini Activation Facilitator Course


This course is ideal for:

Advanced Spiritual Practitioners: Those who have already experienced foundational Kundalini work or other energy healing practices and are ready to deepen their journey.

Energy Healers and Facilitators: Individuals looking to expand their knowledge and skills in Kundalini activation and light body work to support their clients more effectively

Spiritual Seekers: Those committed to exploring the profound depths of their spiritual path and seeking a transformative experience in activating their light body.

Guides and Teachers: Facilitators who wish to lead sacred group ceremonies and offer Kundalini activations, helping others on their spiritual awakening journey.

If you’re ready to elevate your spiritual practice, expand your healing abilities, and support others in their awakening, this course is for you!


Unlock Your Power to Create, Hold, and Facilitate Sacred Spaces

Sacred Spaces Facilitator Training Course

"A comprehensive one-day course with the option to join our online support community for lifetime access."

2024 Dates: 

Sunday, 1st December 2024

Learn from the award winning Sacred Space Faciliator, Spiritual Wellness Christine.

Are you ready to deepen your spiritual practice and learn how to hold transformative spaces for others? The Sacred Spaces Facilitator Training Course equips you with the knowledge and skills to create, hold, and facilitate sacred spaces for various spiritual and healing practices. Whether you're a seasoned healer or new to facilitating group events, this course will provide you with the confidence and expertise to lead with intention and authenticity.

In this accredited and internationally recognized course, you will learn:

✨The Essence of Sacred Space: Understand the deeper meaning of sacred spaces and their importance in healing and spiritual practices.

✨Creating Sacred Space: Learn how to set clear intentions, energetically and physically prepare the space, and craft a nurturing environment.

✨Facilitating Sacred Events: Master group dynamics, holding energy, and setting boundaries to ensure a safe and inclusive experience for all participants.

✨Health and Safety Protocols: Discover essential legal and practical steps to ensure the safety of participants during your events.

✨Designing Transformational Events: Get hands-on with creating event flow, selecting activities, and managing time to create a meaningful experience.

✨Marketing Sacred Events: Learn how to attract the right audience, craft compelling messages, and use effective marketing platforms to promote your events.

✨Advanced Facilitation Techniques: Adapt to different group energies and manage challenging dynamics with ease.

Who is This Course For?

  • Spiritual practitioners looking to expand their skills.
  • Healers who want to offer group energy work or spiritual events.
  • Wellness professionals wanting to integrate sacred space practices into their offerings.
  • Anyone called to hold space for others in a spiritual or healing context.

Why Take This Course? This training will equip you with practical tools and spiritual insights to create powerful and transformative sacred spaces. You will leave with the confidence to design, facilitate, and market sacred space events that resonate deeply with your audience.

Enroll Today!

Step into your role as a Sacred Space Facilitator and start creating events that inspire, heal, and transform.

Payment options: Pay in full, pay deposit or payment plans available. 

If you would prefer a payment plan, please email [email protected] 


Sacred Spaces Facilitator Training Course




This course is ideal for:

Advanced Spiritual Practitioners: Those who have already experienced foundational Kundalini work or other energy healing practices and are ready to deepen their journey.

Energy Healers and Facilitators: Individuals looking to expand their knowledge and skills in Kundalini activation and light body work to support their clients more effectively

Spiritual Seekers: Those committed to exploring the profound depths of their spiritual path and seeking a transformative experience in activating their light body.

Guides and Teachers: Facilitators who wish to lead sacred group ceremonies and offer Kundalini activations, helping others on their spiritual awakening journey.

If you’re ready to elevate your spiritual practice, expand your healing abilities, and support others in their awakening, this course is for you!

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